Automated Educational Mini Wind Tunnel

The automated mini wind tunnel is an accostable scientific and research laboratory bench. It can be useful for carrying out research and hands-on works in the high and secondary educational institutions. The laboratory bench should be used along with a personal computer.
Automated Educational Medium Wind Tunnel

The automated medium wind tunnel is an accostable scientific and research laboratory bench. It can be useful for carrying out research and hands-on works in the high and secondary educational institutions. Due to its affordability, the medium wind tunnel makes it possible to duplicate tests performed with the use of more expensive large-scale wind tunnels.
Automated Wind Tunnel

The automated wind tunnel has been designed based on the Flotek or Aerolab wind tunnels. It can be used as a research bench as well as an educational laboratory.
The test bench is controlled by software developed in LabVIEW graphical programming environment.
Automated Airfoils Deformation Research Lab

The automated educational stand for the study of airfoils deformation has been developed based on the TrueStructure bench by Turbine Technologies. The stand is designed for practical experiments in structural analysis and can be used for the analysis of simple and complex bending, shear and torsion on a tube model, an I-beam and an aircraft airfoil.